However, the Grenada Food and Nutrition Council being a statutory body could not continue as a member of the IAGDO.
From its inception, the membership agreed to be guided by a semi-formal process. While general discussions did take place, no agreement was reached regarding the formal registration of the organisation. Responsibility for the implementation of the organizations’ activities rested with its membership. There was no formal election of officers. The location of the Secretariat rotated among the member agencies and the Chief Executive Officer of the agency hosting the Secretariat carried out the functions generally associated with Chairperson or President.
The organisation was officially registered as a non-profit company on September 17th, 2002.

Current Membership:
The current members of the IAGDO are:
- Agency for Rural Transformation (ART)
- Grenada National Organisation of Women (GNOW)
- Grenada National Council for the Disabled (GNCD)
- Grenada Education and Development Programme (GRENED)
- Grenada Community Development Agency (GRENCODA)
- Grenada Save the Children (GRENSAVE)
- New Life Organisation (NEWLO)
- People in Action (PIA)

Major Activities/Accomplishments:
Among the IAGDO’s significant achievements over the period , November 1988 to present are the following:-
Acknowledgement and Recognition of the NGO Sector:
- Successfully lobby successive administrations for the recognition of the work of the NGO sector in Grenada. This recognition has been marked by the following:-
- NGO Desk, 1996: The setting up of an NGO Desk in the Ministry of Finance in 1996
- Multipartite Committee, 1998: The formal inclusion of the IAGDO in the Multipartite Committee for Talks on Consensus Building and National Development in 1998. The other partners were government, labour and the private sector.
- Committee of Social Partners, 2013: The inclusion of the IAGDO and other NGOs/civil society organizations as members of the Committee of Social Partners. Other members represent the government, the private sector, labour and faith-based organisations.
Non State Actors Panel, 2010 - 2014:
- The IAGDO was instrumental in lobbying for the Government of Grenada to implement the provisions of the European Union – African, Caribbean and Pacific States Co-operation Agreement, the COTONOU Agreement which provided for the establishment of the Non State Actors Panel in Grenada. The intent of this provision was to facilitate the deeper involvement of non state actors in the country-EU partnership and facilitate participation in political dialogue, policy dialogue, programming and review related to EU development assistance. IAGDO occupied the positions of Chairperson and Secretary of the Panel over the period 2010-2014.
- Alternative Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy/Management Action Plan: Of particular note during this period was the development of the NSAP Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy and Management Action Plan – a civil society response/recommendations to the findings of the Country Poverty Assessment 2008.
Code of Political Conduct 1999, 2003, 2008, 2013, 2018:
- Promoting good governance and advocating for citizens to have a voice in decision making, the IAGDO mobilized non state actors and civil society organizations to participate in the development of a Code of Political Conduct to guide the campaign of the political parties and independent candidates offering themselves for office. Citizens were encouraged to monitor adherence to the Code by the parties and candidates.
Grouping of Civil Society Organisations, 2013-2018
- IAGDO is the convenor of the Grouping of Civil Society Organisations which has its origin in the grouping of non state actors/civil society organizations that met to develop a Code of Political Conduct to govern the election campaign of 2013. Noting the peculiar political circumstance into which the country had been thrust given that one one party had won all the electoral seats and there was no opposition, it was the view that the political conjuncture demanded a continuing role for the Grouping of CSOs.
- To promote greater civic awareness and engagement in the governance of the country. Among key activities of the period were:-
- Social Compact: The grouping participated in the social dialogue groups which negotiated a Social Compact. The development of the Social Compact, under the aegis of the Committee of Social Partners, was precipitated by the need for Grenada to undertake a Structural Adjustment Programme to address its debt crisis.
- Constitutional Reform 2014-2016: IAGDO was a member of the Constitution Reform Advisory Committee and represented the wider Grouping of Civil Society Organisations. IAGDO facilitated four workshops on behalf of the Grouping and made submissions to the CRAC on behalf of the Grouping. It also produced and distributed information sheets on each bill and, along with other members of the Grouping, participated in various public education sessions on the bill and produced a Referendum Message which was aired in the run up to referendum day.
Joint Projects by Member Organisations:
- The member organizations of the IAGDO represent a diverse interests and constituents – women, children, the physically and mentally challenged, youth, education, livelihoods, community development. Individually each organisation – delivering services and projects which contribute to the welfare and empowerment of their constituents – contributes to the collective impact of the IAGDO.Among projects which have been jointly undertaken by the membership of the IAGDO were the following:-
- 2004 – 2006: NGO Caribbean Policy Development Centre Hurricane Ivan Relief and Development Project – ART, GRENCODA and GRENSAVE implemented this project
- 2009: UNDP Sustainable Livelihoods Rehabilitation for Grenada Phase 3 – ART, GRENCODA and GRENED participated in this project
- 2012: Presentation of the CEDAW Shadow Report at the 51st Session of CEDAW, GENEVA – led by GNOW
- 2013: of Finance EDF-SSU Millenium Development Goals Project: Eliminate Hunger – ART, GRENCODA, GNOW and NEWLO participated in this project.
Other Significant Activities/Accomplishments:
- Caribbean Policy Development Centre: Is a founder member of the regional Barbados-based Caribbean Policy Development Centre in January 1991.
- Commonwealth Foundation’s People’s Forum 1995, 1999, 2003: Was the national Commonwealth Liaison Unit for the Commonwealth Foundation in Grenada and participated the Commonwealth Foundation’s People’s Fora in 1995, 1999 and 2001: This forum precedes the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM).
- Commonwealth Foundation – CPDC Caribbean Civil Society Forum 2001, 2007: Hosted preparatory regional civil society fora hosted by the Commonwealth Foundation and the Caribbean Policy Development Centre in 2001 and 2007, ahead of the Commonwealth Foundation’s People’s Forum in 2003 and 2009.