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GNCD- Grenada National Council for the Disabled

What is GNCD?

  • A non-governmental, non-profit organization that coordinates development activities among disabled citizens
  • A cross-disability umbrella organization founded in 1985.
  • Originally funded in full by DPI but is currently funded by a government subvention, local contributions and fundraising efforts, and various grant-making organizations.
  • Employ two paid, full time staff,


The general objective of the Council is to guide, focus, and direct persons with disabilities to take responsibility and to take action for their well-being and to advocate on behalf of persons with disabilities in Grenada.

Success and Achievements

  • The recognition of the organization within the community
  • Improved attitudes in Grenada toward disabled persons in general.
  • Massage Clinic at the Grand Anse Beach operated by visually impaired certified
  • White Cane Industries
  • A home for children and adults mentally & physically challenged.