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COP26 Side Event: Unlocking Climate Finance for Locally Led Action in Caribbean – November 2021

From November 1st to 12th, political world leaders convened for the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) at Glasgow in the United Kingdom. According to the Commonwealth Foundation, this Conference of Parties was “the most significant global climate summit since Paris in 2015”.

The Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI) hosted a virtual COP26 side event “Unlocking Climate Finance for Locally Led Action in Caribbeanon 3rd November 2021 for the official launch of the report from the scoping study on “Enhancing Caribbean Civil Society’s Access and Readiness for Climate Finance”.

This study was developed under a regional Green Climate Fund readiness project which is being implemented by CANARI and national designated authorities in seven countries in the region, including Grenada. Its aim is to assess CSOs’ access to climate finance, as well as identify and assess the effectiveness of civil organisations and multi-stakeholder engagement mechanisms for climate change decision-making and climate finance.

Access additional resources related to the event:

Caribbean Civil Society Climate Finance Access Infographic 10.2021

Unlocking Climate Finance Virtual COP26 Event Concept & Agenda

Enhancing Caribbean Civil-Society Climate Finance Access – Scoping Report – October 2021

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