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Virtual Climate Action Forum – February 2022

On Tuesday February 15th 2022, a virtual Climate Action Forum was conducted via the Zoom platform, at which a National Civil Society Climate Action Team was introduced. This was implemented by the Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI), as part of the ongoing regional “Enhancing Caribbean Civil Society’s Access and Readiness for Climate Finance” Project.

The session was well-attended by representatives of CANARI, as well as members of the local civil society sector and other specially-invited guest speakers. It held in part to highlight various innovative projects and initiatives which have been implemented by local civil society organisations (CSOs) to address the issue of climate change, with a view to improving climate resilience and environmental sustainability in the tri-island state.

The current global climate situation was described as being both a “crisis” and an “emergency”, and it was recognised that there is a need for increased knowledge of the national obligations in order to stem the issue.

A number of suggestions were made including greater CSO involvement on existing governing bodies and committees, to better enable them to lead bottom-up approaches so that they can help to  reduce vulnerability, build resilience and protect the livelihoods of citizens in the communities in which they serve.

Participants at the Climate Action Forum unanimously agreed to the establishment of a National CSO Climate Action Team, and more that eighty percent of those in attendance volunteered to become a part of the Team. A follow-up meeting was then scheduled, following the Climate Action Forum, in order to further discuss the implementation and functioning of the Civil Society National Climate Action Team.

Read the full report here:

Climate Action Forum Final Report – February 2022

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