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Inaugural CSO Climate Action Team Meeting – April 2022

As part of the ongoing GCF CSO Readiness project in Grenada, a virtual Climate Action Forum was hosted by the Inter Agency Group of Development Organisations (IAGDO) via the Zoom platform on Tuesday February 15th 2022, at which a National Civil Society Climate Action Team was introduced, and participants unanimously agreed to its establishment.

Consequently, a meeting was held on April 5th, 2022 to finalise the establishment of the National Civil Society Organisations Climate Action Team. The meeting followed a hybrid format, with CSO representatives attending both on-site at the National Cricket Stadium as well as remotely, via the Zoom platform.

The Climate Action Team’s overall purpose was clearly defined as being a conduit for fostering collaboration, knowledge sharing and partnerships among CSOs for effective civil society engagement in climate change processes, and for improved access to climate finance and implementation of climate actions in Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique.

Discussions were initially conducted in breakout groups (virtual breakout rooms), and subsequently in joint plenary sessions, and participants extensively reviewed and offered recommendations related to the team’s draft Terms of Reference (TORs). Participants also provided suggestions for the hosting of the  upcoming national Climate Exposition, which is carded for mid to late 2022.

Read the latest update on the GCF CSO Readiness Project in Grenada:

GCF CSO Readiness Project_Grenada Update_CANARI 17.11.2021

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